"Stone and Stream" | "North Fork Waterfall" | "Zion Waters" | "A Mysterious Place" |
"Light After Early Spring Hailstorm" | "Fall Color of North Fork" | "Sandstone" | "Standing Rocks and Waterfall" |
"Early Spring Waterfall" | "A Wet Spring in Zion" | "Stone and Water" | "Choprock Canyon" |
"Reflection and Passage in Spring" | "Wave Spirit in Neon" | "Sun Dance in Neon" | "Still Water in Desert" |
"Canyon Wall Waters" | "Coyote Gulch Waters" | "Desert Canyon Reflections" | "Natural Bridge of Coyote Gulch" |
"Coyote Gulch" | "Early Evening in Coyote Gulch" | "Clark Lake" | "Full Moon over Water Canyon" |
"Clouds over Pool at Red Breaks" | "Fry Canyon Reflections" | "Morning Light in Neon Canyon #3" | "Morning Light in Neon Canyon #1" |
"Colors in Shade" | "Stone Reflections" | "Deep Canyon Passage" | "Slickrock, Shadows, Sky and Reflection" |
"Spring Canyon Mud" | "Zion Narrows Waterfall" | "Sandstone and Sky" | "Red Breaks" |